
Bitcoin Drops 40% In One Day

Bitcoin is still feeding news in recent weeks due to a devaluation. In five days Bitcoin lost 45% of its value. This is enough to make the community around this new motto pale. A sudden fall Even if this is not the first fall of this virtual currency, this last fall will have had effect of cringe big investors. Everything was going pretty well during penultimate week of December because, the value of bitcoin was $ 19,000. But bitcoin experienced a vertiginous drop in late afternoon of Friday of same week in December with a new value of $ 11,000 or $ 8,000 loss. This situation improved on same Friday with a new value of 14.445 dollars around 23h (French time). period from Thursday to Friday was particularly crucial, as price of bitcoin dropped by $ 4,000. bitcoin players were quick to react to this disturbing fall. Coinbase, one of world's largest cryptocurrency trading platforms has temporarily suspended trading on its platform due to very high traffic. France has decided to take m...

Generate cryptocurrency From Websites

This will not have escaped you, subject of the moment web site monetization side is the arrival of JavaScript that undermine the cryptocurrency in the web pages of our favorite sites. The Pirate Bay led the way with Coin-Hive, as did the Showtime channel (apparently unseen). The concept is relatively simple. For webmaster, it is enough to integrate a small piece of JavaScript code in pages of his site and when a surfer connects to it, this JavaScript participates in cryptographic calculations necessary for production of cryptocurrency. This obviously involves having CPU of Internet users working on site. Immediately, Tech's reaction on the subject was very epidermic and most shouted at scandal. Indeed, in case of Pirate Bay, user is not informed that his computer is used to perform this kind of calculations, and we can understand that it makes cringe because we have a premium on board feeling to be stolen a small piece of his computer (which we probably do not use, by the way). In ...

Interesting Secrets About Bitcoin

Do you know that the Bitcoin value increased by .584.12 per unit, at the time of writing this article? When the Bitcoin price fell below $ 10,000 in September 2017, many experts thought it was end of the journey for cryptocurrency holders. But did you believe them? Personally no! On September 1, 2017, Bitcoin's price hit a record high at .904.9 and was poised to break the $ 1,000 mark when negative comments from JPMorgan's boss Janie Dimon dropped the value. But since then, digital currency has recovered from this backlash and has moved forward at a furious pace. In 2011, Buterin started working on the concept. He had written hundreds of articles on Bitcoin for his magazine he created in 2011. Shortly after, he made a white paper that described the platform he wanted to invent and that could do more than Bitcoin. He called this innovative concept Ethereum. At the same time, Wood provided a yellow book with technical data to explain how Ethereum would work. In the process, Lubin...

Russia's Biggest Bank Wants To Adopt Blockchain

According to Bloomberg, a Russian banking consortium uses a service based on the Ethereum blockchain to enable faster and more secure money transfers. This consortium including the VTB Group, Sberbank PJSC, TSC Group Holding PLC, Bank Oktritie and Alfa Bank has developed a "distributed ledger" called Masterchain that uses a modified Ethereum protocol. Two months ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin met Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, showing a change in policy on cryptocurrencies while year before the Ministry of Finance had threatened to imprison all people using digital currencies. According to Vyacheslav Putilovsky, an analyst at Expert RA Bank, Russia is said to have a highly developed banking market with banks wanting to overtake their Western competitors in the adoption of blockchain technologies. Indeed, these technologies make it possible to check property rights, contractual agreements, etc. without intervention of intermediaries. These technologies, in additi...

How to Buy Your First Cryptocurrency Coins

If you buy Bitcoin, Ethereum or other crypto-currencies, you must obligatorily go through a broker, that is to say a site that will sell you against a bank transfer or a payment by CB. I have tested several since the beginning of the year so I'll tell you a few that I found cool. On other hand, do not be angry with me, I do not indicate the expenses that each site takes as it changes all the time ... I invite you rather to refer to their FAQ to know more about it. I also had fun putting a little green check on all those I find accessible to beginners. But before going into the thick of the subject, I still have to specify several points: 1 / All brokers take a commission. 2 / Identity validation processes are very boring if you want to reach the correct purchase or sales levels. You have to take scans of his ID card, sometimes his CB and sometimes his face ... No choice. 3 / Cryptocurrency prices evolve constantly and brokers play on it to shoot their margin as on an elastic band. ...

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